33 018 (D6530) Birmingham Railwaymans Crompton Workgroup 33 201 (D6586)
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33 201 Current Status

20/07/01 33201 still residing outside the museum at Swanwick on the Midland Railway Centre. The restoration of the locomotive is still progressing with the main work being concentrated on No 2 cab, and the generator. Upon purchase the locomotive was missing several minor items these were quickly replaced and work progressed on making the loco ready for a swift return to operating condition. Unfortunately upon carrying out electrical testing on the generator it became apparent that all was not well with the main generator armature. The group had no option but to take the generator out and send it to an electrical repair company for assessment. This was carried out in the winter of 2000 with the much-appreciated help of the 71a group, who have had to do this on there own 33/2. After a favourable assessment the generator was returned in the spring of 2001, and again, the 71a group returned 8 odd tons of metal to where it belongs. Whilst the generator was out the chance was taken to restore the area in the engine room, also as there was an unpleasant smell becoming very strong in No 2 cab this has stripped out and a thorough restoration to original condition is being carried out.

Last modified: 10-Aug-2001